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The Challenge Tower
# Основной боец, Партнер Награда (Koin) Название испытания (Challenge) 1 Sonya 100 Training: Special Tech (Тренировка: Специальные техники) 2 Sonya 100 Training: Defense (Тренировка: Защита) -------------------------- Игрок - Sonya Blade Противник - Jax Описание - Избегайте или блокируйте все атаки в течение 15 секунд. Ваши атаки и спецприемы отключены. Проскочить (стоимость) - 150 монет
Нужно блокировать или избегать атак Джакса в течение 15 секунд. Самому нельзя атаковать, только бегать вокруг. Если пропустишь удар, откинешься, хотя можно начать снова. Прислал: Rus_MK 2011-09-03 3 Sonya 200 Training: Offense (Тренировка: Нападение) 4 Sonya, Jax 200 Training: X Ray Training (Тренировка: Тренировка X Ray приемов) 5 Sonya, Jax 200 Training: Finishing Techniques (Тренировка: Техника финишных приемов) 6 Sonya 100 Test Your Might 7 Jax 100 The Hard Way 8 Jax 200 In Terror Gation 9 Jax 200 Ambushed! 10 Jax 200 This is the Pits 11 Jax 300 The Invincible Reptile 12 Jax 100 Test Your Sight 13 Cage 100 Hey Jerk 14 Cage 100 Round Two 15 Cage 200 Walking Dead 16 Cage, Stryker 200 SWAT 17 Cage, Director 200 I'm a Celebrity 18 Cage 100 Test Your Strike 19 Scorpion 200 One Hand Tied Behind Your Back 20 Scorpion 400 I Hate Teddies 21 Scorpion, Sub zero 400 Yin and Yang 22 Scorpion 400 I've Got Friends In Low Places 23 Scorpion 400 Poisoned Rage 24 Scorpion 100 Test Your Luck 25 Nightwolf 100 Foul Ball 26 Nightwolf 100 Reflect and Connect 27 Nightwolf 200 Spirit Walk 28 Nightwolf 200 Big Shoulders 29 Nightwolf 400 Ancestral Light 30 Liu Kang, Kung Lao 100 Shaolin Monk: Act 1 31 Kano 100 No Throw = No Go 32 Kano 200 Demon Hunter 33 Kano 200 Pulling My Strings 34 Kano 400 The Hell with This! 35 Kano 400 Discombobulated 36 Kano 100 Test Your Might 37 Kabal Варьируется Survive Koins 38 Kabal 200 Keep Away From Me! 39 Kabal 200 Bloody Pulp 40 Kabal 200 Healing Light 41 Kabal 400 Assassinatino Proclamation 42 Kabal 100 Test Your Sight 43 Reptile 200 Stealth 44 Reptile 200 The Best Laid Plan 45 Reptile 200 1st Responder 46 Reptile 200 Spin Cycle 47 Reptile 400 Who Ya Gonna Call? 48 Reptile 100 Test Your Strike 49 Sektor 100 Target Practice 50 Sektor 200 Sheer Madness 51 Sektor 400 Rain of Ice 52 Sektor 400 Psychosis! 53 Sektor, Cyrax 800 Frankenstein 54 Sektor 100 Test Your Luck 55 Sub Zero 200 Your Time to Shine 56 Sub Zero 200 Mess You Up 57 Sub Zero 200 The Burning Man 58 Sub Zero 200 Out on a Limb 59 Sub Zero 800 Resurrection! 60 Liu Kang, Kung Lao 400 Shaolin Monk: Act 2 61 Cyrax Варьируется Carnage Carnival 62 Cyrax 200 What Is Your Major Malfunction 63 Cyrax 400 Fire and Forget...Literally 64 Cyrax 800 Glitch in the System 65 Cyrax 800 Power Down 66 Cyrax 100 Test Your Might 67 Kung Lao 200 Friendly Sparring 68 Kung Lao 400 Not so Friendly Sparring 69 Kung Lao 400 Hats Off! 70 Kung Lao, Liu Kang 400 United Again 71 Kung Lao 400 The Great Kung Lao 72 Kung Lao 200 Test Your Sight 73 Baraka 200 Prove Your Worth 74 Baraka 400 But I'm His Favorite! 75 Baraka, Mileena 400 Assault on the Palace 76 Baraka 400 Protect the Fallen 77 Baraka 1200 Now You Are Just Showing Off.. 78 Baraka 200 Test Your Strike 79 Kitana 400 Horse 80 Kitana 400 Projected Anger 81 Kitana 400 When Brigands Attack! 82 Kitana 400 Frost Bitten 83 Kitana, Jade 800 Sibling Rivalry 84 Kitana 100 Test Your Luck 85 Jade 200 Arm ageddon 86 Jade 200 It's Not Easy 87 Jade 400 Portality 88 Jade 400 Watch the Face 89 Jade 400 Specials Are My Thing 90 Liu Kang, Kung Lao 400 Shaolin Monk: Act 3 91 Nightwolf 200 Fury of the Ancestors 92 Nightwolf 200 Storm Front 93 Nightwolf 200 Clarity 94 Nightwolf 400 Ancestral Weapons 95 Nightwolf 400 Soul Glow 96 Nightwolf 200 Test Your Might 97 Mileena 200 Kats' Klaws 98 Mileena 400 Only a Matter of Time 99 Mileena 400 Fire Walls 100 Mileena 800 Meteor Kombat 101 Mileena, Baraka 800 Back to Back 102 Mileena 800 Test Your Sight 103 Smoke 100 Air Cannon 104 Smoke 100 Barriers 105 Smoke 400 Now You See Me 106 Smoke 400 Tireless Assault 107 Smoke 400 The Lair of the Beast 108 Smoke 400 Test Your Strike 109 Quan Chi 100 Rainbow Kombat 110 Quan Chi 400 It's Alive! 111 Quan Chi 400 Don't Take Too Long 112 Quan Chi 400 Win Quickly 113 Quan Chi 800 Dance Magic Dance 114 Quan Chi 200 Test Your Luck 115 Stryker 100 High Noon 116 Stryker, Sonya 200 Kiss Kiss Bang Bang 117 Stryker 200 Power up 118 Stryker 400 Make Your Move 119 Stryker 400 I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up 120 Liu Kang, Kung Lao 400 Shaolin Monk: Act 4 121 Raiden 200 SlowMo Kombat 122 Raiden 200 Listen to Your Elders 123 Raiden 200 Life Swap 124 Raiden 200 Have to Share 125 Raiden 400 Elder Gods Wrath 126 Raiden 400 Test Your Might 127 Cage Варьируется CUT! 128 Cage 200 Double Trouble 129 Cage 400 Old Friends For Dinner 130 Cage, Stryker 400 They Have Adapted 131 Cage 1600 Eau De Goro 132 Cage 400 Test Your Wight 133 Jax 200 Gotcha! 134 Jax 400 New Jax City 135 Jax 400 Earthquake 136 Jax, Sonya 800 Don't Lose Your Head 137 Jax 800 Cyber Wars 138 Jax 800 Test Your Strike 139 Sindel 200 Specials Anyone 140 Sindel, Mileena 200 The Queen's Guard 141 Sindel 400 Magnetic Floor 142 Sindel 400 Slow and Painful Death 143 Sindel, Nightwolf 800 Turn on the Light 144 Sindel 200 Test Your Luck 145 Sonya, Jax 200 Backup Arrives 146 Sonya 200 Against Super Strength 147 Sonya 400 Scarface 148 Sonya 1600 It's Kombat Time! 149 Sonya Варьируется It'a All Led Up To This 150 Goro 400 Gor owned 151 Noob 200 Don't Hit a Girl 152 Noob 200 Together Forever 153 Noob 400 I'll Hit a Lady 154 Noob 400 Home Team Advantage 155 Noob 800 Still a Noob 156 Noob 400 Test Your Might 157 Liu Kang 100 Sparring Specials 158 Liu Kang 200 I Will Drink Your Soul 159 Liu Kang 400 Bloodsport! 160 Liu Kang 800 Combo to Win 161 Liu Kang 1600 This Hammer is My Hammer 162 Liu Kang 400 Test Your Sight 163 Cyrax 400 Split Up 164 Cyrax, Sektor 400 Leaking Oil 165 Cyrax 400 Drian Game 166 Cyrax 800 System Crash 167 Cyrax 1600 Upgrade Complete! 168 Cyrax 1600 Test Your Strike 169 Sub Zero 400 Use It or Lose It 170 Sub Zero 400 Right to Bear Arms 171 Sub Zero 400 The Common Cold 172 Sub Zero 400 Retro Reincarnation 173 Sub Zero 800 Hyper Kombat 174 Sub Zero 200 Test Your Luck 175 Ermac 200 Going All Out 176 Ermac 400 Floor of Flame 177 Ermac 400 Super Charger 178 Ermac 400 Wait for It 179 Ermac 800 See Saw 180 Liu Kang, Kung Lao 800 Shaolin Mon: Act 5 181 Baraka Варьируется Dismembering the Good Times! 182 Baraka 400 Enough is Enough! 183 Baraka 400 There Can Be Only One 184 Baraka, Mileena 800 Rogue Element 185 Baraka 1600 Four Arms 186 Baraka 400 Test Your Might 187 Shang Tsung 200 Playing With Fire 188 Shang Tsung 400 Arise From Grave 189 Shang Tsung 400 No Seriously, I'm Popular 190 Shang Tsung 800 To Do List 191 Shang Tsung, Kitana 800 Hyper Kombat 2 192 Shang Tsung 800 Test Your Sight 193 Smoke 200 I'm Not Dead Yet 194 Smoke 400 Life Swap 2 195 Smoke, Quan Chi 400 Bleeding Out 196 Smoke 800 Smoke Him Out 197 Smoke 800 Slow Motion 198 Smoke 400 Test Your Might 199 Jade 400 I Feel Sick 200 Jade 400 Out on a Limb 2 201 Jade 800 You've Already Won Me Over 202 Jade 800 Lean My Way 203 Jade 800 Shao Kahn 204 Jade 800 Test Your Luck 205 Scorpion Варьируется Money For Specials 206 Scorpion, Sub Zero 200 Fire and Ice 207 Scorpion 400 You Killed My Family 208 Scorpion 800 Elemental Balance 209 Scorpion, Sub Zero 800 Orange You Glad I Came 210 Liu Kang, Kung Lao 800 Shaolin Monk: Final Act 211 Kung Lao, Liu Kang 200 Defend the Temple 212 Kung Lao 400 Total Chaos 213 Kung Lao 800 Hats Off to You 214 Kung Lao 800 Wasted 215 Kung Lao 800 Revenge! 216 Kung Lao 400 Test Your Might 217 Kabal 200 Out on a Limb 3 218 Kabal 200 Desire You 219 Kabal 400 Red Light Green Light 220 Kabal, Kano 400 Blood Brothers 221 Kabal 800 Lord of the Netherrealm 222 Kabal 800 Test Your Sight 223 Reptile 200 An Offer You Can't Refuse 224 Reptile 200 Slime to Go 225 Reptile 200 Master of Ice 226 Reptile 400 Unit 5...Alive? 227 Reptile 800 Cyborg Absorb 228 Reptile 800 Test Your Might 229 Kano Варьируется Balls Out... 230 Kano 400 Catch Me If You Can 231 Kano 400 Bloodbath 232 Kano 800 I'm Baaaccckkkk... 233 Kano 1600 The Force is Special? 234 Kano 800 Test Your Luck 235 Sindel 200 We're All Vampires? 236 Sindel 200 Good To Be Queen 237 Sindel 200 Scream Your Head Off 238 Sindel 400 I'm So Special 239 Sindel 800 Flying Fists of Furty 240 Sindel 800 Test Your Might 241 Kitana Варьируется Big Payday 242 Kitana 400 The Shokan Inquisition 243 Kitana 800 The Bitch Is Back 244 Kitana, Jade 800 A Slow Drip 245 Kitana 1600 Up in the Air 246 Kitana 800 Test Your Sight 247 Shang Tsung 400 Deadly Dalliance 248 Shang Tsung, Cyrax 400 Robot Buddies 249 Shang Tsung 800 Super Drain 250 Shang Tsung 800 It's Not My Baby 251 Shang Tsung 1600 Bring It On 252 Shang Tsung 800 Test Your Might 253 Raiden 400 En Lightning! 254 Raiden 400 I'm a Vampire 255 Raiden 400 Earth is Screwed 256 Raiden 800 Deadly Alliance! 257 Raiden 800 Hell 258 Raiden 800 Test Your Luck 259 Noob 400 Who's There 260 Noob 400 All Flipped Up 261 Noob, Ermac 400 The Healing Exchange 262 Noob 800 Brother on Brother 263 Noob 1600 Noob Unbound 264 Noob 1600 Test Your Might 265 Stryker Варьируется Grenade Toss 266 Stryker 200 The Duel 267 Stryker 400 Lock N Load 268 Stryker 800 Life Swap 3 269 Stryker 3200 This is Insane! 270 Stryker 1600 Test Your Sight 271 Ermac 400 Madness 272 Ermac 400 Time Critical 273 Ermac 800 Fists of Fury 274 Ermac 800 All the Right Moves 275 Ermac 3200 Army of What? 276 Ermac 1600 Test Your Might 277 Mileena 400 Low High 278 Mileena 400 Seek the Warmth 279 Mileena 400 But I'm a Vampire! 280 Mileena 800 Hyper Kombat 3 281 Mileena 1600 Rock Your world 282 Mileena 1600 Test Your Luck 283 Quan Chi 200 Survive This 284 Quan Chi 400 Hot Potato 285 Quan Chi 800 Armed and Dangerous 286 Quan Chi 1600 Pupper Master 287 Quan Chi 1600 Mirror Realm 288 Quan Chi 1600 Test Your Might 289 Случайный персонаж 400 Who Am I 290 Случайный персонаж 400 Change is a Good Thing 291 Случайный персонаж 400 Hold on a Minute 292 Cyber Sub Zero 800 Do the Robot 293 Cyber Sub Zero 800 Knock'em Clock'em Ninja Bot 294 Cyber Sub Zero 1600 Test Your Might 295 Sheeva 400 Four Arms Are Better Than Two 296 Sheeva 800 Bloodthirst 297 Sheeva 800 Lock On! 298 Sheeva, Baraka 800 Just a Scratch 299 Sheeva 3200 Boy That Guy Is Strong 300 По выбору 10000 End Game
Категорія: Мої статті | Додав: Андрік (10.05.2012)
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